Ms. Megan Owings » Posts


Today, students created their own Hanging Gardens of Babylon! If you get the chance, ask your student why the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were created long ago.

Students learned that the Mesopotamians wrote using symbols.  This type of writing is called cuneiform.  Students wrote in cuneiform on clay tablets today! 

Today we talked about how our words can be used to help or hurt other people. When we say mean things we wrinkle each others' hearts.  Once we wrinkle somebody's heart, it can't be undone.  We can apologize, but we can't take back the mean words we used.  We talked about the importance of thinking about the words we use before we use them. Please ask your student about the story we read today and how the main character felt when other people used mean words.
As part of our Healthy Habits Week, students had the opportunity to try some nutritious foods at lunch.  They ate spinach salad and strawberries.  First grade was visited by Dr. Rita, a local dentist.  She taught students how to take care of their teeth.
Today we reviewed consonant digraphs and created digraph spiders! Please stop by and check out our spiders!
We have been learning about the human body.  We learned about the circulatory system, which includes the heart and blood.  Students had a chance to listen to each other's hearts using a stethoscope.  They also got to look at the four chambers of the heart in a model heart. 

Tonight’s full moon is also known as a harvest moon.  The moon will rise soon after sunset and provides an abundance of bright moonlight.  This gives farmers more light to harvest their summer crops.  The last full moon to occur on Friday the 13th was in the year 2000.  The next time it will happen will be in 2049.  Students celebrated today by creating their own harvest moons.  I hope you can take a few minutes to go outside tonight and enjoy the harvest moon!

Welcome to First Grade! I am so excited to have your student in my class. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected].  I look forward to seeing you on Monday for the first day of school! 
Yesterday was superhero day!  Students wore capes, created unique superhero logos, and wrote about their super powers.